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A hilarious GIF shows what it really looks like when your favorite superheroes jump

May 27, 2016, 23:41 IST


Today's superhero movies are heavily CGI'd - convincing viewers that men can fly, and crush cars like soda cans.

But without CGI, superheroes are just mere mortals.

Twitter user Kate Gray recently posted a GIF compilation that goes behind the scenes of some recent superhero movies. Stripped of the power of CGI, our heroes' dramatic leaps seem a lot less epic.


The tweet, which went viral, features clips from the Thor movies, "Captain America: Civil War," "Doctor Strange," and "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

Through what was likely a combination of stuntwork and special effects, these ended up looking a lot more convincing in the final product.

Just look at the one leap in "Captain America: Civil War" before CGI:

And post-production:


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