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A little boy lost his favorite stuffed elephant - now people are photoshopping it into all kinds of exotic adventures

Jul 2, 2016, 00:05 IST

This little elephant is having the virtual adventure of a lifetime.Reddit/GentlemanMetalhead

Most of us know photoshop as the software that airbrushes models until they're barely recognizable. But today on Reddit, it's being used to make a little kid's day. 

Yesterday, Redditor kontankarite posted a photo of a stuffed elephant named Fezzik with the caption: "Friend's son lost his favorite toy. Parents said the elephant is traveling around the world. Would love to share images of his travels with the son."

Photoshop experts quickly stepped up to the challenge. Hundreds of commenters found creative ways insert Fezzik into a whole slew of exciting adventures, helping the little boy cope with the loss of his favorite toy. 

So far, Fezzik the elephant has gone swimming with turtles:


He also hung out with some fellow elephants:

 Here he is checking out the New York City skyline: 

And here's his first gondola ride in Italy:

He fit in a brief trip to the moon:

 He even time traveled back to 1997 for some cuddle time with Leo DiCaprio:


He snapped a cute selfie in front of the Taj Mahal, too:

"The parents...are really moved by everyone's generosity and awesome pictures," the original poster wrote in an update published earlier today. See even more of Fezzik the elephant's adventures on Reddit. Safe travels, little guy!

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