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A new Ipsos MORI poll shows the Conservatives with a 5 point lead over Labour

Apr 30, 2015, 15:35 IST

A new poll by Ipsos MORI has shown the Conservative Party leading the way with a five point lead over Labour, with just one week until the election.


The figures, gathered by the UK-based market research company, show David Cameron and the Conservatives on 35%, whilst Labour are behind on just 30%.

The five point lead will provide a boost to the Prime Minister, given that the two main parties have been neck-and-neck in the other polls in the run up to the May 7th election.

However, you have to be cautious in interpreting the importance of a single poll. As it stands, it's still highly unlikely that any of the major parties are going to win a majority in Parliament.

The poll also shows UKIP with a two point lead over the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats who both lag behind on eight percent.


Another poll published today by YouGov also sees the Conservatives infront of Labour, but by a modest one point which is more in keeping with previous poll-of-polls trends.

You can see the voting intentions of those who say they are certain to vote in Ipsos MORI's interactive chart below:

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