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All the Democrats who have called on Trump to resign over sexual misconduct allegations

Dec 13, 2017, 01:02 IST

NBC News


Amid the sexual misconduct reckoning that is gripping the political world, allegations against President Donald Trump have resurfaced - and a growing chorus of Democratic lawmakers is calling on him to resign.

Several have said the president should follow the example of Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota, who announced his resignation December 7 after several women came forward with misconduct allegations against him.

Franken's departure, the appearance of three of Trump's 19 accusers on "Megyn Kelly Today", and a defamation lawsuit from one of the women have turned up the pressure on Trump.

In a statement issued December 11, the White House said "the timing and absurdity of these false claims speaks volumes and the publicity tour that has begun only further confirms the political motives behind them."


Here are the Democrats who have said Trump should resign so far:

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