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AP: Hillary Clinton projected to win another key state

Mar 23, 2016, 08:51 IST

Hillary Clinton.Ralph Freso/Getty Images

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apparently just logged another win against Democratic presidential rival Sen. Bernie Sanders.


The Associated Press projected Tuesday night that Clinton would clinch Arizona, striking another blow to Sanders' campaign.

Both Sanders and Clinton focused significant resources in the state, which has the highest number of delegates of the three states holding Democratic primaries and caucuses on Tuesday.

Clinton appeared at events in Arizona on Monday and enlisted high-profile surrogates in the state, including her husband and former president, Bill Clinton, and former Rep. Gabby Giffords and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly.

Both Hillary Clinton and Sanders also focused heavily on immigration, sharply criticizing Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a prominent Donald Trump supporter famous for his aggressive tactics aimed at curbing illegal immigration.


The win could demonstrate Clinton's continued edge among Latino and black voters that play an large role in Democratic primaries. Utah and Idaho, where Sanders is likely to fare better, also hold primaries on Tuesday but their results won't be known until later in the night.

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