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APP REVIEW: Splice Is A Godsend For Music Producers

Jun 21, 2014, 21:46 IST

Megan Rose Dickey/Business Insider

Collaborating with fellow music producers isn't always easy.

Enter Splice, a music startup co-founded by former GroupMe cofounder Steve Martocci.


Splice helps electronic dance music creators save, share, collaborate, and remix music by working alongside professional music creation tools like Ableton Live.

For one, Splice offers musicians access to all of their revisions in the cloud.

Let's say you made an awesome song using Ableton Live, but kept working on it. Next thing you know, the song sounds totally different and you can't remember what made the older version sound so good. That's where Splice comes in. With Splice, you can access your entire revision history - a feature that isn't possible with Ableton Live and ProTools.

Splice is a downloadable client for your computer. Once you create your tracks in Ableton Live, the majority of your future interactions between with music will happen on the web.


Splice also aims to help artists better understand the building blocks, or DNA, of a song. Splice lets musicians see and analyze each specific element of a track, be it a MIDI, a clip, a musical instrument, etc.

Programmers have a wide variety of tools to help them develop and understand code. The Splice team says those same principles should apply to the music creation process.

"We care about that never-ending, unfinished piece of work," Splice CEO Steve Martocci previously told Business Insider. "We look at two-channel tracks like you'll listen to as the compiled code."

Back in October, Splice raised a $2.75 million seed round led by Union Square Ventures. Splice is still beta only.

When you open up Splice, you'll be able to see all of the projects you've created and all of the ones you're collaborating on.



The coolest part about Splice is that you can access, download, and remix the work of other producers in the community.


If you like what you hear, click "SPLICE" to see details like which plugins the person used, which samples are in the track, etc.


If you want to remix the work, hit "Open." You can see below that we've already played around with the mix, while leaving the original fully in tact.


Bada-bing, bada-boom. Now we can remix and tweak the track!


If you want to share your project, you can decide to make it public. That way, anyone can discover, listen, remix your work, and provide feedback.


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