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Bill Nye the Science Guy is using emojis to brilliantly explain how something we use all the time works

Sep 15, 2015, 01:47 IST


Bill Nye the Science Guy is back for round two of using emojis to explain scientific concepts. The first time, he covered evolution, complete with his own bow-tie-wearing emoji doppelganger.


This time, Nye joins Mashable's "The Watercooler" series to talk about how the Internet has grown from just a means of connecting academic institutions to a massive system linking practically everything around us.



Soon enough, everything from our watch to our furnace will one day soon (if it isn't already) be hooked up to the Internet, The Science Guy illustrates with corresponding emojis.

That includes jet engines on airplanes - not a particularly thrilling thought for those concerned with potential hacks that could bring an airplane to the ground. 

"The future is for those who can think differently about how everything is connected," Nye says before rather goofily exclaiming that those people will be the ones to change the world.

The video is part of GE's "Emoji Science" project, which combines DIY science projects and videos with lots and lots of emojis.

Check out the full video:


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