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Bombshell New Poll Shows 'YES' Taking The Lead In Scottish Independence Vote

Sep 7, 2014, 02:13 IST


This is the story of the weekend.

A bombshell new poll published by the Sunday Times (in London) shows that the YES side has taken the lead in the upcoming referendum on Scottish independence.

Here's the front page revealing the news.


The lead is quite slender, just 51-49, so within the margin of error.

But it's clear that the possibility that Scotland will vote to leave Britain is now very real.

This tweet and chart from YouGov, which conducted the poll, shows just how well the YES side has done in recent weeks.

One victim of the rising momentum for YES has been the British pound, which has been sliding against the dollar for several weeks now.


A YES vote would be seen as a massive political blow to the current Conservative government of David Cameron, a fact voiced by Rupert Murdoch earlier in the day.

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