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Boston radio show launches hilarious 'investigation' to find out if Tom Brady called in under an alias to defend himself

Sep 16, 2016, 20:33 IST

Tim Sharp/AP

Tom Brady has some extra time on his hands while he serves his four-game suspension for Deflategate.

He may be using some of that free time to call into Boston radio show "Toucher and Rich" to defend his friendship with receiver Julian Edelman against criticism from the hosts.

"Toucher and Rich" fielded a call on Thursday from "Matt" from San Diego (Brady is from San Mateo, California) that some believe may have actually been Brady.

"Matt from San Diego" explained that things are so good in the Boston sports world that they have nothing else to make fun of. Here's the transcript, via Deadspin:

"I'm originally from San Diego. I've been here over 20 years, so I consider myself a true New England fan and resident, but I just want to say I've been listening to you guys bust on Tom Brady and Julian Edelman, and it's absolutely hilarious. But it occurs to me that being true New England guys, you have to have something to complain about. So, you got three GOATs on the same team: Belichick, Brady, and Gronk. You got the Red Sox in first place. So, all that leaves you to go to is the fact that the man's the greatest of all time, he's got a good relationship with his receiver, and his wife's Gisele Bundchen. I just think it's very indicative of New England sports fans."


You can listen to the original call below:

Afterward, as people began saying that the caller may have been Brady, "Toucher and Rich" began an "investigation" into whether it really could have been. They played the original audio, then compared it to a past clip of Brady giving an interview on the radio. They also said they were contacted by New England beat writers who thought it was Brady.

Here's their investigation below:


Though the voice doesn't sound exactly like Brady, it's similar, particularly the laugh. As Deadspin notes, this caller also called into defend Brady, call him "the greatest of all time," and drop a mention about Brady's wife, Gisele Bundchen. Curious.

"Toucher and Rich" also tweeted out one more update into their investigation, noting that "Matt from San Diego" never called back to set things straight.

So, was it Brady, or is Matt from San Diego just a passionate fan?

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