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Britain's EU referendum could bring down Cameron's government whichever way it goes

Jun 8, 2015, 18:10 IST

David Cameron's promise of a referendum on whether the UK stays in Europe could eventually bring down his government - regardless of which way people vote.


Investment bank Citi told clients in a note: "A vote for Brexit would probably cause the collapse of the government and major economic weakness. Even a vote to stay in the EU (especially a narrow win) might create political splits in the Conservative party and destabilise the government, hence limiting the government's ability to achieve its wider aims."

Citi believes the Prime Minister will resign immediately in the event of a "No" vote given his vocal support for a pro-EU solution. That would trigger a fresh election. The bank doesn't see this as likely, however, putting the chance of a Brexit at just 10-20%.

But even if Brits vote to stay in Europe, it could bring down the current Conservative government. The bank thinks that some anti-Europe Conservative MPs could defect to UKIP in the run up to the referendum, which could wreck the government's slim majority. Here's Citi:

If five or six Conservative MPs defected to UKIP during or after an EU referendum - perhaps in protest at a perceived inadequate deal for the UK - then the Conservatives would lose their parliamentary majority.


That would not trigger a rerun of the EU referendum, but might throw the government back into the minority government/hung parliament scenarios that seemed likely before the Conservatives' surprise election win.

The Conservatives have just a 12 seat majority in the House of Commons, so any defections would be a huge blow.

Cameron is already struggling with the referendum, which he promised to try and win over voters who were leaning towards UKIP in the recent elections. The Prime Minister has today been forced to backtrack on a threat to cabinet ministers to back the EU referendum or else resign.

It doesn't seem such a stretch then to see where Citi is coming from. In short, Cameron looks to have made a rod for his own back by making an EU referendum so focal to his reelection campaign. Whichever way the vote goes, it could spell disaster for him.

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