17 weird job interview questions Facebook, Google, and other top companies have asked


Google: "If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Google: "If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

For an associate account strategist position


Facebook: "How many Big Macs does McDonald's sell each year in the US?"

Facebook: "How many Big Macs does McDonald's sell each year in the US?"

For a data scientist position


Boeing: "What do you think of lava lamps? And 'Dilbert?'"

Boeing: "What do you think of lava lamps? And 'Dilbert?'"

For an engineer position

Google: "Choose a city and estimate how many piano tuners operate a business there."

Google: "Choose a city and estimate how many piano tuners operate a business there."

For a product manager position


Facebook: "How much do you charge to wash every window in Seattle?"

Facebook: "How much do you charge to wash every window in Seattle?"

For an online sales-operations position

Apple: "How many children are born every day?"

Apple: "How many children are born every day?"

For a global supply-manager position


Hess: "What's your favorite color?"

Hess: "What's your favorite color?"

For an assistant-manager position

Apple: "If I was talking to your best friend, what is one thing they would say you need to work on?"

Apple: "If I was talking to your best friend, what is one thing they would say you need to work on?"

For a red zone specialist position


Google: "If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?"

Google: "If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?"

For an associate account strategist position

Intel: "Design a spice rack for the blind."

Intel: "Design a spice rack for the blind."

For a hardware engineer position


Celgene: "Tell me a story."

Celgene: "Tell me a story."

For a corporate-communications position

Microsoft: "If you had a choice between two superpowers — being invisible or flying — which would you choose?"

Microsoft: "If you had a choice between two superpowers — being invisible or flying — which would you choose?"

For a high-level product lead/evangelist position


St. Jude Medical: "Why are manholes round?"

St. Jude Medical: "Why are manholes round?"

For an electrical-engineer co-op position

MasterCard: "What do you do if you are approached by an employee who is complaining about a colleague who has horrible body odor?"

MasterCard: "What do you do if you are approached by an employee who is complaining about a colleague who has horrible body odor?"

For an operations-leader position


Cisco: "What kind of tree would you be?"

Cisco: "What kind of tree would you be?"

For a senior technical-writer position

Biogen Idec: "What were you like as a child?"

Biogen Idec: "What were you like as a child?"

For an area business-manager position


Medtronic: "What do you think you will hate about this job?"

Medtronic: "What do you think you will hate about this job?"

For a diabetes therapy associate position