Ask a Manager's Alison Green on what to do if your company or boss isn't taking the coronavirus seriously

Ask a Manager's Alison Green on what to do if your company or boss isn't taking the coronavirus seriously

I am getting a lot of mail about the coronavirus, and one common theme is employers who aren't acting with any urgency at all — not having people work from home where they can, not canceling travel or events, etc. Here's some advice if you're in that situation.

Read the original article on Business Insider

9. Be an ally to others

9. Be an ally to others
Support your coworkers and friends through this challenging time. Marco_Piunti/Getty

Insist your company take action even if you personally don't feel at risk. If a coworker's not getting something they need, add your voice to theirs. Advocate for paid sick time for anyone in your company who doesn't get it. Push your employer to lift limits on sick leave, provide extra PTO, and generally make it as easy as possible for people to stay home. Ask about what your vendors are doing for their people. Tell your members of Congress you want more aid to affected workers, including people who can't work from home, and people who won't be able to pay their rent and mortgages because of income loss. And don't make people feel they're overreacting when they take precautions.

This column originally appeared on the Ask A Manager blog by Alison Green. It has been reprinted here with permission.

Alison Green was once the chief of staff for a successful nonprofit, where she was responsible for the hiring, firing, promoting, and managing of employees. She is the author of Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work.

8. If you're job searching and are invited to interview in-person, it's completely reasonable right now to ask to do it by phone or video chat

8. If you're job searching and are invited to interview in-person, it's completely reasonable right now to ask to do it by phone or video chat
Take the safest option available. simonkr/Getty Images

If a company isn't open to that in these circumstances, that's a serious red flag about them in general.


7. "Stay home if you feel sick" is not a good enough policy

7. "Stay home if you feel sick" is not a good enough policy
By the time you feel sick, it may be too late. RubberBall Productions/Getty

The symptoms of coronavirus take four to five days to show up. Someone who comes to work looking and feeling well can transmit the virus. By the time someone feels sick, it's too late; they will have already been infecting people.

6. If you can work from home and you're choosing not to, please reconsider

6. If you can work from home and you're choosing not to, please reconsider
Don't put others at risk. 10'000 Hours/Getty Images

There are many people who can't work from home, and you're putting them at higher risk by adding to the number of people they're forced to come in contact with.


5. If your company hasn't approved remote work for people whose jobs can be done from home and you are in a higher-risk group, say you need an exception

5. If your company hasn't approved remote work for people whose jobs can be done from home and you are in a higher-risk group, say you need an exception
If you are able to work from home, do so. Shutterstock/goodluz

Talk to your manager or HR and say, "I am in a higher-risk group for coronavirus and will need to work from home until the government is no longer advising that higher-risk people distance themselves from groups." Note that language — "will need." You're telling them, not asking. (In reality, they can still say no — but framing it as of course they'll agree to let you follow public health recommendations will help.)

Use the same approach if you live with someone in a higher risk group.

4. If your company has said it encourages people to work from home but your own manager isn't backing that up, talk to HR

4. If your company has said it encourages people to work from home but your own manager isn't backing that up, talk to HR
Voice your concerns to your HR representative. mixetto/Getty Images

While approving remote work might normally be up to individual managers, there's a good chance that in this situation your company doesn't want individual managers undermining its virus prevention efforts.


3. Talk about your company's obligations to its workers, many of whom will be in higher-risk groups or live with people who are, but also, appeal to their own self-interest

3. Talk about your company's obligations to its workers, many of whom will be in higher-risk groups or live with people who are, but also, appeal to their own self-interest
Remind your boss of their responsibility. Westend61/Getty Images

If they let the virus spread in their workforce, far more employees are going to be sick and unable to work than if they take precautions now. Point out that it's better to figure out arrangements now than to be in a mad scramble when things change in your area overnight.

2. Try peer pressure

2. Try peer pressure
Share what you know about the crisis. Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

Cite the many large companies — Facebook, Google, Microsoft, IBM, and more — that have instructed employees to work from home. Point out that it's not only socially responsible but also smart for business, and companies are making it work. Share the CDC guide for employers.


1. One of the most effective things you can do is to band together with other coworkers and push back as a group

1. One of the most effective things you can do is to band together with other coworkers and push back as a group
Band together. ESB Basic/Getty Images

It is much harder to ignore a group of employees than one person.