The 19 best snacks to eat at your desk




Almonds are a great source of protein and healthy fat that is satisfying. "They contain nine essential nutrients; have the highest rate of proteins when compared to other nuts; have the highest rate of fiber (3.5g per 23 pieces) when compared to other nuts; are rich in Vitamin E (23 pieces provide 35% of the daily value of Vitamin E); and contain monounsaturated fats that help increase HDL levels," explains Nicole Maftoum, a Lebanese clinical dietitian.


Low-fat popcorn

Low-fat popcorn

This low-calorie snack will satisfy your craving for something salty and crunchy, and it's also a good source of fiber, De Fazio says.


Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Fruits are packed with vitamins and minerals and are full of great natural sweetness, Maftoum says. "They are also a great source of antioxidants needed for a stronger immune system and a better performance at work."

Dry cereal

Dry cereal

The brain draws nearly all its energy from glucose, which is the most important simple sugar in human metabolism, Maftoum says. "Consumption of low glycemic index foods like bran flakes will release glucose at a slow rate in the bloodstream, which will minimize blood sugar swings and optimize brainpower and mental focus."


Dried fruit

Dried fruit

Fresh fruit is always a great snack option — but if you want to mix things up, try dried apricots, raisins, apples, or bananas. These snacks are sweet, chewy, high in fiber, and high in potassium.

Protein bars

Protein bars

Be careful with these! Some protein bars are packed with calories. Check the ingredients and make sure the one you pick has fruit, nuts, and fewer than 200 calories.


Mini flavored rice cakes

Mini flavored rice cakes

Rice cakes are great because they are low calorie and come in different flavors. For instance, you can get cheddar or caramel, depending on whether you want salty or sweet, De Fazio says.



Though salty, pretzels are low in fat and give you some carbs to hold you over until lunch or dinner, De Fazio says.


Frozen bananas

Frozen bananas

This is a great substitute to ice cream, which is rich in sugar and fat. A medium-size banana contains the needed amount of glucose by the brain to perform at its best.

String cheese or cottage cheese

String cheese or cottage cheese

If you have an office refrigerator, these are good sources of protein to have on hand. "Protein will keep blood sugar levels steady and will not make you sleepy," De Fazio says.


Tuna salad (without the mayo)

Tuna salad (without the mayo)

Tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, the essential fats that are known to help to preserve brain function. Make yourself a tuna salad (a can typically costs about $2), but be sure to substitute avocado or Greek yogurt for the mayonnaise.

Wasabi peas

Wasabi peas

These are perfect for satisfying any salty, crunchy, or spicy craving — and they have protein and fiber, which will energize you and prevent blood sugars from dropping.


Hard-boiled egg

Hard-boiled egg

This is an excellent source of protein, which will satisfy hunger and stabilize blood sugars. But be aware of the offensive smell! Eat your hard-boiled egg in the office kitchen.

Vegetables and hummus

Vegetables and hummus

Hummus and veggies, like carrots, provide crunch, sweetness, and carbohydrates. "You get all the nutrients you need with this satisfying snack," De Fazio says.

The chickpeas in hummus are also a good source of calcium, iron, protein, and fiber, which prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly, Maftoum says.


Tomato juice

Tomato juice

Sometimes when you think you are hungry or crave sugar, you are actually thirsty, De Fazio says. Next time this happens, try drinking a can of low-sodium tomato or vegetable juice.

Kale chips

Kale chips

If you're looking for that "crunch," kale chips are a great low-calorie, nutrient-packed option.

They're quick and easy to make: You simply toss some chopped kale in a small amount of olive oil and then bake until crispy.




Many yogurts are made using "good bacteria," which is great for your digestive tract. Yogurt also contains probiotics and offers protein, calcium, vitamins, potassium, and magnesium.

Apples and peanut butter

Apples and peanut butter

The apple provides fiber and carbohydrates for energy, while the peanut butter (you can also use almond butter) provides healthy monounsaturated fat and protein, which stabilizes blood sugar ups and downs. "This snack is so tasty and satisfying and will hold you over for a few hours," De Fazio says.


Cold grilled vegetables

Cold grilled vegetables

If you have leftover grilled veggies from last night's dinner, pack them up and bring them in to work.

For extra flavor, drizzle some balsamic vinegar over your vegetables. Avoid adding oil if possible.