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Chris Christie on debating Hillary Clinton: 'I'll beat her rear end'

Feb 4, 2016, 00:02 IST

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie speaks at a campaign town hall meeting in MerrimackThomson Reuters

Presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) promised Wednesday to metaphorically beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "rear end" in a future debate.

"You know the last person she wants to see on that stage in September? You're looking at him," Christie said to laughter from a group of people in New Hampshire.

"You know why?" he asked. "She's been running away from federal prosecutors for the last six months."

Christie was referring to Clinton's use of a private email server and account for her government work in the Obama administration, an issue that has dogged her campaign since the spring.

The FBI has said that it is looking into whether any sensitive information was mishandled in connection to the account, but Clinton has not been accused of any wrongdoing and has not been described as a target in the investigation.


Christie said his record as a former US attorney uniquely qualified him to press Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, on a host of issues in the general election. 

"Man, she sees a federal prosecutor on the stage - I'll beat her rear end on that stage, and you know what? After I do, she'll be relieved because she'd just be worried I'd serve her with a subpoena," he quipped.

Christie, who is known for his colorful comments, received just 1.8% of the vote in Monday's Iowa caucuses. He finished last among the 'establishment' contenders - Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) - in the race.

Christie's doing better in New Hampshire, which will cast its votes next Tuesday. He's polling at 6.2% in the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls in the state.

Here's the clip of Christie's Wednesday comments:


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