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Clinton hints Clinton Foundation is 'winding down' as she is relentlessly grilled on MSNBC

Aug 26, 2016, 20:04 IST

Hillary Clinton seemed to hint on Friday that the Clinton Foundation may be in the early stages of winding down.


During a phone interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," the Democratic presidential nominee said the foundation is "looking for partners" to "carry out" its work should she win the White House in November.

"We're going to make sure we don't undermine the excellence and the results," she said.

Clinton added: "Winding down some of these programs takes time. You don't just turn off an off and on switch."

The Clinton Foundation has come under increased scrutiny over the past few weeks. Donald Trump, her Republican opponent, and his surrogates have repeatedly accused Clinton of providing top foundation donors with favors while serving as secretary of state. Trump has alleged that she ran a "pay-to-play" operation during her years as the department's head.


During her Friday morning interview, hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski relentlessly pressed her with questions on the topic.

"Are you certain that there are no emails or foundation ties to foreign entities that will be revealed that perhaps permanently impact your presidential prospects?" Brzezinski asked.

"Mika, I am sure," Clinton replied. "And I am sure because I have a very strong foundation of understanding of the foundation - not to play on words - that the kind of work the foundation has done … is work that went right into providing services for people."

The former secretary of state continued: "As we have said before, neither my husband, my daughter, nor I have ever taken a penny of salary from the foundation. My work as secretary of state was not influenced by any outside forces. I made policy decisions on what I thought was right to keep Americans safe and protect our interests abroad."


Clinton said that the Clinton Foundation has gone "above and beyond" legal standards to "avoid those questions."

"But it raises questions," Brzezinski interjected. "Madam secretary, if a Republican candidate was running against you and served as secretary of state, and had a foundation that took donations from foreign entities wouldn't you be criticizing her for a conflict of interest? And in retrospect, was that a good idea if you're not going to be doing it in some cases as president?"

"Mika, I would not be criticizing. I would be looking at the work," Clinton said, insisting she would praise the person for the work if no conflict of interest was apparent.

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