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CNN host Jake Tapper has fantastic response to getting called a 'dick' by Clinton campaign chair

Oct 8, 2016, 03:22 IST


Score one for Jake Tapper.

Tapper, a CNN Washington correspondent and host of "The Lead," appeared in an WikiLeaks dump of Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's emails.

In one email, Podesta asked Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri a simple question: "Why is Jake Tapper such a dick?"

Palmieri responded with an equally blunt statement: "That is the right question."

Taking the insult in stride, Tapper responded Friday afternoon.


"It's a question that has confounded millions of people for hundreds of years," tweeted Tapper at the accounts of Podesta, Palmieri, and Clinton deputy communications director Kristina Schake, following with another tweet that he's "actually quite nice."

Check out Tapper's tweets below:

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