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Cops Fear Charred Body Found On Long Island Could Belong To Abducted Businessman

Jan 5, 2014, 00:15 IST

Julie Zeveloff/Business InsiderWilliamsburg Bridge

Police have found a badly burned body in a Long Island dumpster that they fear could belong to a Brooklyn real estate businessman who was abducted late Thursday, The New York Daily News reports.


Menacham Stark, a 39-year-old Orthodox Jew, was bound with duct tape and shoved into a white minivan in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on Thursday as he was leaving his office.

Stark may have been carrying a lot of cash, Newsday reported. After he disappeared, his family notified a patrol of volunteers in their Orthodox community that he was missing. They called the police around 2:30 a.m.

The NYPD says they have no confirmed the body belongs to Stark. They are now waiting on autopsy results.

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