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China stock crackdown, plus experts share their favorite crypto apps

Aug 2, 2021, 02:59 IST
Business Insider
Samantha Lee/Insider

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Hello and welcome to Insider Investing. I'm Joe Ciolli, and I'm here to guide you through the current market and investing landscape. Here's what's on the docket:

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A full-blown meltdown in Chinese stocks

Getty Images / VCG

US investors hold $2 trillion in Chinese stocks, but the entire market is effectively a financial house of cards. By skillfully exploiting regulatory loopholes in both Beijing and Washington, Chinese companies have evaded oversight, keeping investors in the dark about the true state of their finances. Read our full analysis here.

Read the full story here:

Chinese stocks are tanking. Here's why their financial meltdown could get way, way worse.

10 crypto traders show us the apps they use

Chesnot/Getty Images

Cryptocurrency trading can be incredibly challenging, with 24-hour markets and extreme volatility. Investors often use multiple apps and platforms to make sense of what's happening in the market. We spoke to 10 crypto experts to understand what apps they use for trading, price monitoring, and news.

Read the full story here:


We asked 10 crypto traders to show us the apps they use on their phone to trade, track prices, and read news

Meet a real-estate investing power couple

Sean Pan and Sharon Tseung

Between the two of them, real estate investors Sharon Tseung and Sean Pan own 21 rental units. In an interview with Insider, they explained their entire process, from how they decide which geographies to pursue, to how they normally finance their properties.

Read the full story here:

A couple in their 30s breaks down how they came to own 21 rental units in affordable, high-appreciating areas across the country - and share their approach for picking top cities, realtors, and financing strategies

Stock pick central

Seeking experts who are willing to name names? Look no further:

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