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Derrick Rose Injured Again, Consoled By Joakim Noah On The Bench

Nov 14, 2014, 19:41 IST

Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose picked up an injury for the third time in five games on Thursday night against the Toronto Raptors.


Back-to-back major knee injuries forced Rose out for the entire 2012-13 season and all but 10 games of the 2013-14 season.

His latest comeback has been hampered by multiple ankle sprains and, now, a hamstring injury.

It looks like he tweaked his ankle again when he left the game with two minutes left against Toronto. But after the game he said it was a hamstring injury.

Here's the play:


Joakim Noah consoled him on the bench after the latest injury. Ugh:

Rose managed to sprain both his ankles at the same time in a loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers on October 31st, forcing him out for two games. In his first game back, he reaggravated those ankle sprains and missed another two games. Now he has a hamstring injury, although he says it's minor. From ESPN Chicago:

"I don't think it's that serious," Rose said. "Just ice it, see if I can practice [Friday] and give it a go Saturday."

The injury occurred with less than two minutes left in the fourth quarter. Rose turned over the ball and fell to the floor before walking gingerly back to the bench. He isn't quite sure how it happened.

"I don't know, man," Rose said. "Just missing two years, now you're just going to fall for no reason I guess, man. Just trying to work every day, put in consistent work every day. And don't lose any confidence with these setbacks."

This stinks.


Rose was on the upswing when he tore his ACL in the 2012 playoffs against the Philadelphia 76ers. He was already the most explosive player in the league and an MVP, and his rivalry with LeBron James and the Miami Heat looked like something that would sustain the league for the next half-decade. Instead, his body is fighting against him.

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