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DONALD TRUMP: 'I wish I had time' to play Pokemon Go

Jul 14, 2016, 21:53 IST

Donald Trump.Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

It happened: Donald Trump has weighed in on the Pokémon Go craze.


In an interview with The Washington Examiner, Trump said he wishes he could play, but noted he's too busy running for president.

"I don't, but people are playing it," the presumptive Republican nominee said when asked if he played. "No question about it. I do not. I wish I had time."

Pokémon Go is a new game that uses the GPS on the player's phone to create an augmented-reality world he or she traverses to catch Pokémon. Nintendo added $9 billion worth of market value since the game was released last week as of Monday. That same day, Nintendo saw its largest one-day increase in its stock since 1983.

Earlier this week, Mark Cuban told Business Insider in an email that Nintendo "has a winner" with Pokémon Go, but added that the game's producer, Niantic Inc., which Nintendo has invested in, would "have to keep refreshing if they want it to stay as hot as it is."


"It's fun," Cuban wrote. "Parents will love it because it gets their kids walking and moving in order to play."

He added that, unlike Trump, he has played the game and it's a "great way to take a walk with my son."

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