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Donald Trump: I'm done raging against Fox News after Megyn Kelly spat

Aug 11, 2015, 19:46 IST

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

Real-estate magnate Donald Trump seems set to end his feud with Fox News after ramping up criticism of the network following the first Republican presidential debate last week.

The Republican presidential candidate said he has "no problem" with Fox News during a Tuesday interview on CNN. The topic didn't even come up during his Fox interview the same morning.

Trump attributed the détente to a phone call from Fox News chief Roger Ailes the day before.

"I was very angry with the way I was treated - perhaps justifiably, I think justifiably - but Roger Ailes, who's an amazing guy and an amazing executive. Frankly, he called me yesterday and, as far as I'm concerned, I'm fine with it," Trump said. "Roger's done an amazing job at Fox. He called me and I have no problem."

In a statement to Business Insider, Ailes said the "blunt" conversation healed the rift between his network and Trump.


"I assured him that we will continue to cover this campaign with fairness & balance. We had a blunt but cordial conversation and the air has been cleared," said Ailes, a former Republican operative.

Trump has been raging at Fox News since last Thursday's Republican debate, during which the moderators asked him several tough questions, including one about his corporate bankruptcies and another about derogatory comments he's made toward women. A Fox News focus group after the debate further featured Trump supporters trashing his debate performance.

The Republican businessman and his team accused the focus group of being rigged against him.

"They attempted to create a negative narrative of Mr. Trump both during and after the debate but failed," Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump, told Business Insider. "Their actions are insidious and not in line with viewers or the American people as Mr. Trump won, according to three independent polls."

Trump even personally declared that Fox should be "ashamed" of itself:


Megyn Kelly discusses Donald Trump's attacks on Fox News.Fox News

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