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Donald Trump is calling for ethics reform to 'drain the swamp in Washington D.C.'

Oct 18, 2016, 09:22 IST

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump addresses supporters during a campaign stop at the KI Convention Center on October 17, 2016 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.Getty Scott Olson


Donald Trump ratcheted up his claims Monday that the so-called "rigged" political system in politics could cost him the presidential election and announced plans to tackle the corruption in Washington.

"It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.," Trump said. "This is why I'm proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again,"

Trump's plan for ethics reform centers around legislation that would minimize the influence of government officials after they leave their jobs.

One of the proposed measures would keep former executive branch officials from lobbying the government for five years after they leaving their posts.


Trump criticized former President Bill Clinton for canceling that ban at the end of his term, saying that Clinton "rigged the system on his way out."

Here are the 5 reforms Trump announced:

  • Reinstate a five-year ban to prevent executive branch officials from lobbying after they leave office and prevent an executive action from lifting it.
  • Introduce a similar five-year ban on former members of Congress from lobbying after ending government service.
  • Expand the definition of lobbyists and close loopholes that allow former government officials to label themselves as consultants and advisers.
  • Lifetime ban on senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
  • Campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections and politics.

While a law already exists that prevents foreign entities from making political contributions, Trump may have been referring to the Citizens United US Supreme Court decision in 2010 that allowed super PACs, nonprofits and corporations to make unlimited contributions to political campaigns. Critics argue the decision may have created a loophole that allowed funding from foreign investors of corporations to be used in politics.

In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly made claims without evidence that the election is "rigged" in favor of Hillary Clinton and that the media and the political establishment are conspiring against his campaign.

Trump's allegations of corruption that cast doubt on the election have been labeled as dangerous and some of his supporters are already vowing to stage a rebellion on Election Day if the GOP nominee loses.

"On November 8 the arrogance of Washington D.C. will come face-to-face with the righteous verdict of the American voter," Trump said.


NOW WATCH: Watch Trump repeatedly photobomb Clinton during the debate

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