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Donald Trump just hired the man behind Citizens United to serve as deputy campaign manager

Sep 2, 2016, 09:35 IST

David Bossie speaks at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Thursday, June 16, 2011.AP/Patrick Semansky


With a little over two months left before the general election, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to add to his campaign staff.

On Thursday Trump announced that former Citizens United president David Bossie would be joining him as his deputy campaign manager, the Washington Post reported.

Bossie will join campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who was just hired amid another campaign shake-up last month.

"He's a nuts-and-bolts tactician as well, who's going to help us fully integrate our ground game and data operations, and help with overall strategy as my deputy," Conway said.


Bossie lead the Citizens United lawsuit that culminated in a landmark US Supreme Court decision in 2010 that allowed super PACs, nonprofits and corporations to make unlimited contributions to political campaigns.

Citizens United has also led the charge in requesting documents from the State Department amid allegations that Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival for the White House, ran a pay-to-play scheme with Clinton Foundation donors while she was secretary of state.

Bossie was also involved in a 1990s investigation of Bill and Hillary Clinton's finances as a result of the Whitewater real-estate scandal.

Last month Trump reshuffled his campaign, tapping Breitbart News chief Steve Bannon and GOP strategist Kellyanne Conway to serve as CEO and campaign manager, respectively.

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