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Dramatic video shows police raid linked to the Paris attacks

Mar 19, 2016, 03:12 IST

A screencap of a video showing Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam getting arrested by police in BrusselsScreenshot/New York Times

A dramatic video shows a police confrontation in Brussels Friday that involved a suspect behind November's deadly terrorist attacks.


Video filmed by Reuters shows police closing in on a cordoned-off area of the street as gunfire erupts. The suspect soon enters the frame, being dragged by police, moving with an obvious limp.

Two others were arrested with Salah Abdeslam, the most wanted man in Europe. Reuters has not yet confirmed which of the three suspects is in the video.

After the suspect falls to the ground, several officers appear to struggle to get the person into a police car.

Police have been looking for Abdeslam, 26, who has been identified as a prime suspect in the Paris attacks.


He is believed to have driven a team of terrorists to the French national soccer team's stadium the day of the attacks in November.

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