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Elon Musk Announces An 'Infinite Mile' Warranty On The Tesla Model S Sedan

Aug 16, 2014, 03:45 IST

Tesla Model S owners can now drive their electric cars for an infinite number of miles with the drivetrain under warranty, or for eight years - whichever comes first.


CEO Elon Musk made the announcement on the company's blog [emphasis added]:

Reading between the lines a bit, Tesla could be making this move due to some recent, negative long-term reviews of the Model S, notably from Consumer Reports. Hence my emphasis: Tesla does believe that electric motors are better and in fact thinks that it's solved most of the problems that showed up in early production versions of the Model S.

The "infinite mile" language is of course brilliant on Musk's part, as traditional carmakers define the mileage on their warranties.

We'll follow up on all this and see if we can add some insight.


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