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13 of the most bizarrely wonderful movies you can stream right now, from a five-headed shark to a murderous sofa

  • While prestigous dramas are always worth watching, sometimes you just want a fun, ridiculous movie you can just enjoy without needing to think too much.
  • Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus have plenty of films that fit the bill, ranging from super-powered golden retrievers in "Super Buddies" to a murderous reclining chair in "Killer Sofa."
  • Amazon Prime has several "Sharknado" movies," as well as the outlandish "5 Headed Shark Attack" and the creature battle movie "Sharktopus versus Pteracuda."
  • Meanwhile, Disney Plus has the nightmarish "The Wizard of Oz" sequel "Return to Oz," while Netflix has the cult classic "Killer Klowns from Outer Space."
  • Here are the 13 best bizarre and outlandish movies available to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus right now, listed alphabetically.
  • Note: Numerous Netflix titles drop off the service monthly, so the availability of titles below may change.
  • Insider has many movie and TV show lists to keep you occupied. You can read them all here.
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