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47 of the most groundbreaking LGBTQ characters and relationships on TV

  • LGBTQ representation on TV has made huge strides in recent years.
  • More recent series like "Glee," "Pose," and "Orange Is the New Black" reflect the complex and many-varied experiences of queer people.
  • This was made possible by early shows like "Queer as Folk," "The L Word," and "Will & Grace," which helped introduce audiences to inclusive storytelling.
  • Here are 47 of the most groundbreaking queer characters and relationships on TV.

LGBTQ representation on TV has made huge strides in recent years, but it wasn't too long ago when queerness onscreen was considered risky, controversial, or even career-ending.

Shows like "Queer as Folk," "The L Word," "Will & Grace," and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" helped break down boundaries and introduce audiences to inclusive storytelling — allowing for non-straight characters to shine on more recent series like "Glee," "Pose," and "Orange Is the New Black."

These shows don't simply rely on stereotypical "gay best friends" or feature women kissing as a publicity stunt. They developed complex, unique, and beloved LGBTQ stories.

In honor of LGBTQ Pride, Insider rounded up 47 of the most groundbreaking queer characters and relationships on TV.
