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6 of the biggest celebrity chef scandals of all time

  • Paula Deen was dropped from the Food Network after she was accused of racism.
  • Martha Stewart served prison time after being convicted of charges involving claims of insider trading.
  • Other chefs have been sued by former employees for mistreatment and issues with their wages.

Like any other kind of celebrity, famous chefs aren't immune from facing scandals, serious accusations, and even jail time.

Martha Stewart served a prison sentence for one count of conspiracy following a stock sale, two counts of making false statements to authorities, and one count of obstruction of agency proceedings, according to PBS. Stewart has since regained her place as one of the foremost celebrity chefs in the business and even received an Emmy nomination for her hit show alongside Snoop Dogg, "Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party."

Other chefs, like Paula Deen and Mario Batali, have never truly been able to recover their reputations.

Here are six of the biggest celebrity chef scandals.
