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Chris Hemsworth's body double wishes the actor would stop gaining muscle

Feb 9, 2021, 17:47 IST
Chris Hemsworth (left)'s body double is Bobby Holland Hanton (right).Disney/Marvel/Instagram/bobbydazzler84
  • Chris Hemsworth's body double said he wishes the actor would stop getting more jacked.
  • Bobby Holland Hanton told Australian radio show Fitzy & Wippa that he has to work out twice a day.
  • The stunt double and Hemsworth also eat every two hours to fuel their muscle gains.

Chris Hemsworth's body double said he wishes the actor would stop getting more and more muscular.

Stunt double Bobby Holland Hanton told Australian breakfast radio show Fitzy & Wippa that the bigger Hemsworth gets, the bigger he has to get too.

"Everyone's like, 'Wow, look at the size of him,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, it's brilliant, now I have to put on that size too,'" Hanton said. "I text him and I'm like, 'Thanks very much, dude, it's going to be even harder this time.'"

Read more: Chris Hemsworth says that his body 'shuts down' when he stops working out

Hanton has had his work cut out for him of late as Hemsworth has taken his physique to a new level to play Thor in the latest installment of the Marvel franchise, "Thor: Love and Thunder," which is currently being filmed in Australia.


In November, Hemsworth posted a photo of himself flipping a tire on Instagram, and his incredibly shredded physique resulted in the image going viral.

Read more: Natalie Portman reacts to 'Thor 4' costar Chris Hemsworth's ripped Instagram photo: 'It's otherworldly'

As well as putting in the hours in the gym, training twice a day, Hanton - who has also worked as a body double for stars like Henry Cavill and Ryan Reynolds - has had to increase his food intake to gain muscle.

"We train together all the time and we're on the same diet regime," Hanton said. "He's now the biggest Thor he's ever been, so I need to be the biggest I've ever been. It's a big challenge but I'm up for it," Hanton said. "Every two hours we're eating. It's become a chore. I don't enjoy eating at all. It's full-on."

He also downplayed rumors that Hemsworth was struggling with back pain after a break from training.


"Carrying around the extra weight is difficult and hard to maintain on the ligaments," Hanton said. "But he's all good. Look at him. He's a man mountain. He's fit as a fiddle."

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