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How Robert Pattinson went from a 'Twilight' heartthrob to the star of 'Tenet' and 'The Batman'

  • Robert Pattinson is recognized for his roles in the "Twilight" films, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," and Christopher Nolan's latest mind-bending movie "Tenet."
  • The 34-year-old actor is also set to star as the titular character of Matt Reeves' "The Batman."
  • Even though Pattinson's an A-lister now, it wasn't always that way.
  • He started participating in theater productions as a teenager because of a girl he liked.
  • Pattinson also struggled to find work after playing Cedric Diggory in the "Goblet of Fire" and was fired from a play before the opening night.

Maybe you've been following Robert Pattinson's career since his roles as wizard Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and sparkling vampire Edward Cullen in the "Twilight" franchise.

Or maybe you're less familiar with the British actor's work, but have seen his name recently associated with big-screen movies like Christopher Nolan's "Tenet" and Matt Reeves' upcoming film "The Batman."

The 34-year-old actor's roles since his big break in Hollywood in the mid-2000s have run the gamut, from indies and arthouse films to blockbusters.

But there was a time when he wasn't well-known or viewed as a heartthrob.

Keep reading to find out how Pattison became one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood.
