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Piers Morgan calls Prince Harry a 'whiny little brat' over Harry's new mental-health series with Oprah Winfrey

May 18, 2021, 19:02 IST
Prince Harry's new docuseries focusing on mental health, "The Me You Can't See," releases on May 21.Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images/Apple TV
  • Prince Harry and Orpah Winfrey have created a docuseries exploring mental health.
  • "The Me You Can't See" is set for release Friday on Apple TV+.
  • Piers Morgan has labeled the show "preaching" and called Prince Harry a "whiny little brat."

Piers Morgan called Prince Harry a "whiny little brat" over Harry's new mental-health documentary series, "The Me You Can't See," which he created with Oprah Winfrey.

Morgan, who previously lashed out at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for their widely covered interview with Winfrey in March, used Twitter to share his thoughts on the new Apple TV+ series.

"Because the one thing the world REALLY needs in the middle of a pandemic is yet more preaching lectures on compassion, mental health & emotional wellbeing from a whiny little brat who spends his entire time publicly trashing his family," Morgan wrote.

Morgan's remarks come after Apple shared a trailer of the docuseries, which it said would explore "the current state of the world's mental health and emotional well-being through storytelling."

The series is expected to feature celebrities among the guests talking about their experiences, with Lady Gaga and Glenn Close among those appearing in the trailer.


"To make that decision to receive help is not a sign of weakness," Harry said during the trailer. "In today's world, more than ever, it is a sign of strength."

All episodes of the series are set to arrive Friday.

Morgan is continuing a feud that took off earlier this year when Winfrey interviewed Harry and Markle.

The interview brought to light several astounding revelations, including Markle saying that she felt suicidal after joining the royal family and that at least one royal family member expressed "concerns" about her first child's skin color before his birth.

After the interview, Morgan criticized the couple on his show "Good Morning Britain" but stormed off the set during a live taping after a cohost confronted him on his views. Morgan later quit the show altogether, apparently after refusing to apologize.


Morgan has not stood down on his remarks, saying he still does not believe Markle's comments and thinks he has the support of the British public despite a record 57,000 complaints being lodged against him for his morning-show comments.

In his most recent column for the British tabloid the Daily Mail, Morgan again criticized Prince Harry - this time because Harry called the First Amendment "bonkers."

"I didn't think Harry could go lower than trashing his grandmother as she mourns Prince Philip, but the spineless self-pitying twerp's attack on free speech makes HIM look bonkers not the US Constitution," Morgan tweeted.

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