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Watch Pete Davidson burst into laughter in the middle of an 'SNL' segment with Colin Jost and Alex Moffat

Jan 25, 2022, 05:13 IST
Pete Davidson, Alex Moffat, and Colin Jost on "Weekend Update."NBC/Getty Images
  • Pete Davidson joined Alex Moffat and Colin Jost on the "Weekend Update" segment of "SNL."
  • The comedian discussed the Staten Island ferry that he and Jost recently purchased for $280,100.

"Saturday Night Live" cast member Pete Davidson was all laughs on the most recent "Weekend Update" segment while joking about the Staten Island ferry that he, Colin Jost, and Paul Italia won at an auction on Wednesday.

"We bought a ferry, the windowless van of the sea!" Davidson announced as he scooted toward Alex Moffat, in character as a "guy who just bought a boat."

With a hint of sarcasm, Jost added that they "thought the whole thing through."

On Friday, shortly after news of the trio's $280,100 purchase broke, Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, tweeted his support for the initiative, which is how Davidson said he "found out we have a new mayor."

Davidson and Jost continued to chat about the details surrounding the ferry, such as the docking situation and the excitement of becoming "boat people," prompting Davidson to look at Jost and say: "I mean, you always were. You look like you own the yacht they rent out for rap videos."


Moffat cut in to deliver back-to-back nautical-themed sexual innuendos, leading Davidson to burst into laughter.

Jost and Davidson purchased the 57-year-old decommissioned Staten Island ferry, coined the John F. Kennedy, with Italia, a Manhattan real-estate broker and comedy club owner, at an auction held by the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services, as reported by The New York Post.

Both "SNL" cast members were raised on Staten Island, and the free ferry line is the primary form of public transportation between the New York City borough and lower Manhattan. For Jost, Davidson, and Italia, the purchase was, at least partially, driven by sentiment.

They went into bidding with a "sincere motive" to "restore a piece of New York," Italia told The New York Times, adding that the John F. Kennedy "had a special place in their hearts as Staten Island natives."

It was reportedly the oldest-running Staten Island ferry before retiring in August 2021 "due to mechanical issues."


Now, the vessel is unable to move on its own and is currently stationed at the St. George Ferry Terminal on the northern tip of Staten Island. The new owners have 10 days to retrieve the ferry, which, according to The New York Times, is 277 feet long, 69 feet wide, and over 2,100 tons.

Italia told the publication they are considering turning the boat into "an arts and entertainment venue" but have yet to solidify plans.

In the meantime, the John F. Kennedy will be stored at a local shipyard until the owners confirm long-term plans.

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