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European leaders are furious with David Cameron for losing the EU referendum

Sep 29, 2016, 20:37 IST

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron wipes his eye as he addresses a news conference during a European Union leaders summit in Brussels March 20, 2015.REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

It is becoming clear that European leaders are not happy with Britain's vote to leave the European Union.


On Monday, Business Insider noted how government ministers in Italy and Germany were becoming irritated by the British government's approach to leaving the 28-nation bloc.

Michael Fuchs, a minister in Angela Merkel's ruling Christian Democratic Union party, accused Britain of expecting the EU to simply adhere to its demands.

"They can't simply do what they wish and expect us to go along with them," he said.

Now, former prime minister David Cameron is in the firing-line.


Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi told the BBC on Thursday that Cameron was to blame for Brexit because he used a referendum to manage the conflict between pro-EU and pro-Brexit MPs in his party.

Renzi said: "When David Cameron decided to use a referendum to solve some internal problems of the Conservative Party, this was the problem. We cannot use foreign affairs to solve internal problems."

Renzi's remarks came just a day after the way Cameron styled the Remain campaign was slammed as "s--t' by German minister Gümlther Oettinger.

Oettinger, who is Germany's European commissioner, said on Tuesday:"We have to accept the democratic decision and the s--t campaign of Cameron.

"I'm sorry, but we have to accept it, that's life and s--t happens."


Cameron decided to call a referendum on Britain's EU membership after bowing to pressure from the Eurosceptic wing of the ruling Conservative Party. He spearheaded the Remain campaign but was accused of exaggerating the negative impacts of a Brexit, leading the campaign to be dubbed "Project Fear".

This latest round of remarks suggests Cameron has not yet been forgiven by his European counterparts for how he handled the referendum, despite no longer being involved in Westminster politics.

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