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Everyone's declaring Hillary Clinton the big winner of the debate

Oct 14, 2015, 18:41 IST

Hillary Clinton.AP

She looked experienced. Like the Hillary Clinton of debates past. Like Beyoncé, even.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner for president, was the near-universal pick of media and pundits declaring her hte winner. 

"Hillary Clinton was Beyonce. She was flawless," CNN Democratic political commentator Van Jones said on the network afterward.

By many accounts, Tuesday night's performance was the best day of her campaign - at least in a long time. Many Clinton skeptics came out reassured, saying she looked like the Democrat who they'd want debating the Republican nominee next fall.

A Politico survey of political activists, operatives, and strategists found Clinton won "by a landslide." Bloomberg's Mark Halperin gave her an "A." Even Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, said Wednesday morning that she "came out the winner."


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