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Federal Agency Apologizes After Tweeting 'Bridesmaids' Meme Mocking Students On Financial Aid

Jun 25, 2014, 19:32 IST

The Federal Student Aid agency apologized early Wednesday morning after a tweet from its official account late Tuesday night seemed to mock students who apply for financial aid.


The @FAFSA tweet read "If this is you, then you better fill out your FAFSA: fafsa.gov," accompanied by a image from the movie "Bridesmaids" with the caption "Help me. I'm poor." In the scene depicted, which has become a popular meme, Kristen Wiig's heavily intoxicated character tries to sneak into the first class cabin of an airplane.

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and determines a student's eligibility to receive financial aid from the federal government.

Here's the offensive tweet, via a screenshot from Twitter's iPhone app:

Screenshot Via @FAFSA/Twitter


The "Bridesmaids" tweet was deleted late Tuesday night and the @FAFSA twitter account sent out this apology early Wednesday morning:

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