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Finance executives are starting to worry about the US economy

Jan 6, 2016, 20:13 IST

Mario Tama/Getty Images


CFO Insider is a weekly newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for chief financial officers and other finance experts.

CFOs and CEOs turn pessimistic in the fourth quarter (The Wall Street Journal)

According to a report from the American Institute of CPAs, just 45% of CFOs and CEOs felt optimistic about the US economy in the fourth quarter of 2015. That's down from 64% the year before. Executives are particularly worried about China and Europe, regulation, political gridlock, and labor costs. They seem to be "concerned with the ability to hire talent as well as the cost of that talent," Valerie Rainey, chair of AICPA's Business Industry Executive Committee, told The Journal.

Here's what 14 Wall Street pros are predicting for the stock market in 2016 (Business Insider)


Where will the market head in 2016? There may be a feeling that the bull run's end is near, but most Wall Street pros wouldn't say so. Business Insider rounded up forecasts from the top firms on Wall Street, and not one sees the S&P 500 ending 2016 below 2,050.

One-on-one coaching misses the mark (CFO.com)

Is an executive coach always the answer? According to an analysis by CFO.com, "companies around the world are spending billions of dollars every year to coach their leaders despite estimates that coaching fails as often as it succeeds." The high failure rate, which could be as much as half the time, may be due to the one-on-one nature of coaching, which doesn't represent the highly collaborative roles of leaders.

How Goldman Sachs' most senior execs unwind (Business Insider)

Goldman Sachs has been asking its leaders how they relax and "reset," posting their responses on its careers blog. A common theme among them is family time. For instance, cohead of investment banking David Soloman does yoga with his oldest daughter on Sundays, and vice chairman Michael Sherwood unwinds at soccer games with his kids.


What Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, and Les Moonves have in common (LinkedIn)

Gillian Zoe Segal spent five years interviewing some of the world's most successful people for her book "Getting There: A Book of Mentors". She discovered seven things these titans have in common, including understanding their "circle of competence," questioning everything, and being resilient.

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