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The power players of the growing family office world

Aug 9, 2021, 19:01 IST
Business Insider
Todd Angkatavanich, Natasha Pearl, Bill Bjiesse, and Lisa Featherngill. Courtesy of Todd Angkatavanich; Courtesy of Natasha Pearl; Courtesy of Bill Bjiesse; Courtesy of Lisa Featherngill; Shayanne Gal/Insider
  • As global wealth surges, more people want to start family offices to take control of their finances.
  • Insider spoke to more than a dozen industry insiders to compile a list of 21 must-know experts.

Whether they're rags-to-riches entrepreneurs or old-money heirs, many of the wealthy have created their own family offices to oversee their assets.

Citi estimates that as many as 15,000 family offices have been created in the past two decades alone.

Insider spoke with more than a dozen family-office professionals to find out who the wealthy go to when setting up their own shops. Whether they're lawyers or wealth managers, here are 21 must-know family-office experts.

You can read our full story if you're an Insider subscriber: These are the 21 people powering the huge growth in family offices

Insider also rounded up some of the must-know executive recruiters in the space, as hiring top talent is key to maintaining wealth that lasts for generations.

Meet 8 top recruiters scouting talent for family offices as the secretive wealth managers to the world's richest look to supercharge their investing prowess

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