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Florida audience laughs at Charlie Crist when he says he's voting for Clinton because of her honesty

Sep 21, 2016, 03:13 IST

A Florida debate audience broke into laughter on Monday night when former Gov. Charlie Crist said he was voting for Hillary Clinton, in part, because of how "honest" she is.


"I am proud of Hillary Clinton. I think she's been a very good secretary of state, a very good senator from the state of New York," Crist said during a debate with Rep. David Jolly. The two are running for a seat in Florida's 13th congressional district.

He added: "The thing I like most about her is she is steady. I believe she is strong. I believe she is honest."

Crist's final line prompted laughter and jeering from the crowd.


FBI Director James Comey said earlier this year that Clinton was not truthful to the public on a number of claims she made regarding her use of a private email server to conduct official business as secretary of state.

Clinton also has one of the highest untrustworthy ratings of anyone to ever seek the presidency.

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