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Fox News: Businesswomen Should Wear Simple Clothes And Never Raise Their Voices Under Pressure

Jul 7, 2014, 22:27 IST

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Fox News has some helpful hints for all the ladies out there who want to succeed in business.

During a "Fox & Friends" segment Monday morning, the hosts along with Sylvia Ann Hewlett, author of the book "Executive Presence," explained that women who want to succeed in business should follow a specific set of rules: wear colorful tops and well-cut jeans, don't talk too much, and don't raise your voice.

"A little thing that you think is important is your presentation and your voice," co-host Brian Kilmeade explained. "Keep it low, don't speak loud."

On the topic of appearance, Hewlett noted that women should dress for their particular work environment.


"You need to fit in with flair," she said. "In Silicon Valley, for instance, you know the nerdy, schlumpy, hoodie thing? That doesn't work for women. And it's there that the well-cut jeans and the statement top are important."

The hosts doled out some advice for businessmen, too.

"Men have to get outside of their own space and, instead of having binders full of women, actually figure out how to relate to them," Hewlett said.

Fox Host Brian Kilmeade agreed: "Right, so show that you're in touch with your emotions, but at the same time, show you're really a man."

Hewlett did concede that, "interestingly, men commit a lot of these mistakes, not just women," but also noted that women from the South in particular tend to "fill the air with words." She warned that "rambling" could undermine women, so they should keep things concise.


Watch the full segment here:

Who knew the solution to workplace inequality was so simple.

(h/t Raw Story)

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