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Friday the 13th: 5 interesting things you need to know

Nov 13, 2015, 17:09 IST

Friday the 13th hits back at us with a hatrick this year. Research shows that millions of people all over the world are hit by its fear, so much so that some even refuses to go out of their houses. So how did the fear start?

Here are five interesting things associated with the day.

1. How did it start?

The fear is associated with the crucifixion of Lord Jesus as he was crucified on a Friday and his last supper, just the day before, was with 13 guests. Since, then Christians consider this day as an unlucky day for them

2. It has a an official name

Fear of the number 13 is scientifically called "triskaidekaphobia". Fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobi.

3. No, you are not unlucky if you are born on this day

Taylor Swift's lucky number is 13. She made herself a huge sensation of the world using the number 13.

4. The month with this day starts with a Sunday

Check the calendar if you may.

5. No, the world will not be destroyed by the giant asteroid Apophis in 2029 as predicted by astrologists in 2004 when it was founded.

There have been many changing theories about the asteroid since then, which proves the prediction is unlikely to be true.

(Image credits:hauntedamericatours )

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