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Get Smart At Startup University

Aug 8, 2013, 00:03 IST

Dan Frommer, Business InsiderThe General Assemb.ly founders are among the faculty at Startup 2013Founding a company is like getting an MBA in realtime. It feels like there are a million things you have to learn to be a successful entrepreneur. Building a great product is just the start. How do you build a great company?


Wouldn't it be tremendous if you could spend a morning learning entrepreneurship from the experts?

Well, you can.

This year at Business Insider’s Startup 2013 conference we have partnered with General Assemb.ly to run “Startup University.” You'll soak up business lessons from industry leaders in a series of classes you select yourself. The roster includes some 15 sessions such as:

  • Web Design for Non Designers
    A class for those who can't seem to get their site looking just right.
    Larry Buchanan, The New Yorker
  • A Data Driven Approach to PR
    Startups of all sorts have a treasure trove of valuable, proprietary data. Why not put it to work?
    Will Flaherty, SeatGeek
  • 9 Mistakes Every E-Commerce Company Makes
    You'll learn how to develop effective strategies for your e-commerce business and how to measure what works.
    Matt and Katie Illes, Nine Lines
  • Introduction to Growth Hacking
    Find out what growth hacking is and learn how to implement your own growth hack strategy to significantly increase your customer base.
    Conrad Wadowski, GrowHack
  • Outsourcing & Managing Software Development
    Find and manage developers. Learn how to pique interest in your project and make sure development stays on track.
    Peter Bell, hackNY.org

For a full list of classes and afternoon programming, see the Startup agenda.


In the afternoon, you'll hear from top entrepreneurs from NYC and the Valley, VCs, and other experts. We're particularly excited to have the CEOs of Indeed.com and Shutterstock [SSTK] -- companies that had two of NYC's biggest exists -- on stage together, sharing how they did it.

And after a full day, enjoy a networking reception with stunning views of the Hudson.

Grab your early-bird tickets (at entrepreneur-friendly rates) before they expire.

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities at Startup 2013, please contact events@businessinsider.com.


Follow @BI_Events on Twitter for Startup updates.

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