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Here are 13 photos of Hillary Clinton in high school

Mar 5, 2016, 22:38 IST


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hasn't always been in the public sphere.

Before she was locked in her second race for president, a Secretary of State, a senator from New York, a First Lady, a lawyer, or a Yale or Wellesley student, then-Hillary Rodham was a Chicago-area teen and part of the first graduating class at Maine South High School.

She was also a Republican who supported ultra-conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona in the 1964 election.

"At the time, believe it or not, I was a Republican, like my father," she wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times in 2008. "My ninth-grade history teacher, Paul Carlson, had encouraged me to read Sen. Barry Goldwater's book, 'The Conscience of a Conservative.' I even wrote a term paper about it."

The school held a mock presidential debate that year, and Clinton was assigned to play former US President Lyndon Johnson.


She wasn't thrilled.

"I was a Goldwater girl through and through," she said. "That's why I protested when a young government teacher, Jerry Baker, assigned me to play President Johnson in the debate. Mr. Baker said he wanted us to explore another perspective. He wouldn't back down."

Clinton wrote that, after falling for some of Johnson's policies, her "days as a Republican were numbered!" 

Thanks to Classmates.com, we found photos of Clinton from her high school days in Park Ridge, Illinois.

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