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Here are all the major newspapers that have endorsed Donald Trump for president

Nov 1, 2016, 00:21 IST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, front, displays the front page of a newspaper while greeting people in the crowd at a campaign rally, Monday, April 25, 2016, in Warwick, R.I.Steven Senne/AP


At this point, we all know 2016 is no typical election cycle. This fact is also evidenced by the lopsided endorsements of newspaper editorial boards across the country.

While Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has garnered the support of more than 200 editorial boards, her Republican rival Donald Trump has only received eight.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has six, and independent conservative candidate Evan McMullin has one.

In 2012, by contrast, President Barack Obama received 99 endorsements from daily newspapers, and Republican Mitt Romney received 105. Editorial boards have historically favored Republicans.


This year, several newspapers have even cautioned voters against putting Trump in office, and one small paper in Ohio has encouraged its readers not to vote for Clinton.

There could still be more endorsements as Election Day nears, but here's what Trump has so far:

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