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Here's what we know about Donald Trump's health after his appearance on the 'Dr. Oz Show'

Sep 14, 2016, 23:32 IST

Donald Trump appears on the &quotDr. Oz Show."'Dr. Oz Show'

Donald Trump on Wednesday taped an appearance for the "Dr. Oz Show," discussing his personal health and the healthcare policies he'd like to implement as president.

During the hour-long interview, the Republican presidential nominee told Dr. Mehmet Oz that he would like to lose 10 to 15 pounds, audience members said. Dr. Oz was said to have agreed that Trump could stand to lose some weight.

A source who spoke with NBC News said that Trump told Dr. Oz he hadn't been to the hospital since he had his appendix removed at the age of 11. Trump also said he is screened for cancer on a yearly basis, according to the NBC News source.

Members of the media were not allowed to watch the interview set to air on Thursday, forcing them to rely on a press release and members of the studio audience for information.

A press release from the "Dr. Oz Show" said that Dr. Oz went through a "full review" of numerous systems with Trump, but it was not immediately clear exactly what that meant. The systems were said to have included head and neck, nervous system, hormone levels, cardiovascular health, and respiratory health.


Laurance Rassin, a Trump supporter who attended the taping, told CNN that the process was "very transparent" and that Trump "brought his medical records" with him. CNN reported that Trump provided Dr. Oz a one-page summary of a physical examination he underwent last week from Dr. Harold Bornstein.

"I think he has a great medical record right now. He has been healthy - he said he's been healthy, I believe him," Rassin said. "He's got a great report from his doctor and I think that's great for his candidacy and ultimately great for America."

Rassin said that he thought Dr. Oz "was impressed" with Trump's health.

Ivanka Trump joined her father during the taping to discuss his new childcare and maternity-leave initiatives.


Trump's appearance on the "Dr. Oz Show" came as his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, faced questions about how transparent she had been with her health.

The former secretary of state was captured on video Sunday struggling to walk as she left a 9/11 memorial event early. Her campaign later said she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier and would take some time off the trail to recover.

Clinton is expected to be back campaigning on Thursday.

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