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Here's what we know about the van ride that may have killed Freddie Gray

May 1, 2015, 22:59 IST

Baltimore state attorney Marilyn Mosby discussed details Friday about the police van ride that likely led to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.


Gray was arrested last month for supposed possession of a switchblade and died a week later after suffering a severe spinal cord injury sustained during a 45-minute ride in a police van.

"Mr. Gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside of the BPD wagon," Mosby said at a press conference Friday announcing charges against the six officers involved in his arrest.

After placing Gray in the van, officers stopped at least four other times but never properly secured him with a seat belt like he should have been, Mosby said at the press conference, The Baltimore Sun reports. They also allegedly failed to give him medical attention even though he asked for it twice, according to Reuters.

Previously, Baltimore police had "acknowledged that officers violated protocol by not buckling in Gray and providing medical help when he asked for it," The Baltimore Sun reported Thursday.


On Thursday, The New York Times has a good breakdown based on police statements of the various stops the police van made before eventually arriving at a Baltimore police station roughly 45 minutes after Gray's arrest. Gray was reportedly dragged limp into the van after requesting his inhaler around 8:42 a.m., according to The Times. Officers stopped the van four minutes later, The Times reports, to place Gray in leg shackles after the driver complained that Gray was "acting irate in the back."

At some point before 9 a.m., the van made a second stop, for still-unknown reasons.

At 8:59 a.m., the van stopped again after the driver asked that Gray be checked on, The Times reports. A fourth and final stop was made shortly after, according to The Times, to pick up another prisoner.

When the police van arrived at Western District Police Station at 9:24 a.m., Gray was in cardiac arrest and not breathing. He died a week later. At her press conference Friday, Mosby said he never should have been arrested in the first place because the knife he had was not a switchblade.

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