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Historic photos show every time American presidents met British Kings and Queens

Jul 12, 2018, 02:10 IST

President Jimmy Carter and Queen Elizabeth II with French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing at Buckingham Palace London, England, May 1977.AP Photo


President Donald Trump is embarking on a four-day visit to the United Kingdom this week, during which he's slated to meet with various leaders in England and Scotland, including Queen Elizabeth II.

Trump's trip is the latest installment of the "special relationship" the US and UK share, which has been a decades-long diplomatic and political bond.

Take a look back at every time American presidents met British royals:

Former Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe all met King George III, who they had called a tyrant, after the American Revolution while they served as diplomats for the new republic.

Source: BBC

The first visit of a sitting US president to England was Woodrow Wilson in December 1918, when he met with King George V after signing the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I.

Source: US Embassy in the UK

The first time British royalty made an official visit to the US was King George VI in June 1939. He and his wife Queen Elizabeth met President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt in Hyde Park, New York.

Sources: US State Department, BBC

In August 1945, President Harry Truman met King George VI aboard a US Navy cruiser off the coast of Plymouth, England.

Sources: US Embassy in the UK, BBC

In 1951, then-Princess Elizabeth visited Truman at the newly renovated White House with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. Truman called her a "fairy princess."

Sources: US State Department, BBC

Princess Elizabeth, Truman, and their spouses also had a formal dinner at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC during the visit.

Source: Politico

Nearly 20 years after he left office, former President Herbert Hoover met Queen Elizabeth at a luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in 1957. Former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was also present, seated behind the Queen.

Source: CNN

After her father died, Elizabeth became Queen on June 2, 1953. Apart from Lyndon B. Johnson, Her Majesty has met every US president since Truman.

Sources: Business Insider, BBC, The New York Times

In October 1957, the Queen and Prince Philip attended a state dinner with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and first lady Mamie Eisenhower at the White House.

Source: Politico

From August 27 to September 2, 1959 Eisenhower took a tour of Great Britain, meeting Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Source: US Embassy in the UK

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh hosted former President John F. Kennedy and first lady Jackie Kennedy for a state dinner at Buckingham Palace on June 5, 1961. This visit was also portrayed in Netflix's show "The Crown."

Source: JFK Library, Vanity Fair

In 1969 and 1970, former President Richard Nixon met the Queen in London and in Chequers, Buckinghamshire, where the prime minister's country home is.

Source: US Embassy in the UK

In July 1976, President Gerald Ford and first lady Betty Ford hosted the Queen and Prince Philip for an official state visit.

Source: AP

The Queen hosted President Jimmy Carter at Buckingham Palace in May 1977.

Source: BBC America

During a June 1982 visit to Windsor Castle, President Ronald Reagan rode horses with the Queen. It was one of many times the two would meet over the years.

Source: Politico

In 1984, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl joined the two for a dinner at Buckingham Palace.

Source: AP

In 1988, first lady Nancy Reagan and her husband took tea with the Queen during a stopover in London after a summit in Moscow.

Source: AP

In 1989, the Queen hosted a lunch for President George H.W. Bush and first lady Barbara Bush at Buckingham Palace.

Source: AP

Two years later, Bush hosted the Queen for an official state visit, where she delivered a toast at the state dinner and even attended a Baltimore Orioles game.

Source: MLB

President Bill Clinton and Queen Elizabeth attended a 1994 dinner in Portsmouth, England to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy. The following year, Clinton met the Queen again on a trip to London.

Source: Politico

The Queen met Clinton's family as part of their tour of the United Kingdom in 2000.

Source: ABC News

President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush visited the Queen at Buckingham Palace in July 2001.

Source: US Embassy in the UK

There were some protests then, and again when he visited in 2003, as many Londoners disagreed with the Republican president's policies.

Sources: US Embassy in the UK, AP

The Queen received a full ceremony for her official state visit in 2007. It was her first trip to the US since 1991, when his father was president.

Source: Politico

Queen Elizabeth returned the favor to Bush at Windsor Castle in June 2008.

Source: Reuters

President Barack Obama joined the Queen for a May 2011 state banquet in London, making him the only other president besides George W. Bush to receive the honor of a full state visit.

Source: The White House, Reuters

Though Trump won't be receiving a full state visit, he will meet the Queen for tea when he's in London. Protesters, meanwhile, are preparing to greet him with a 20-foot balloon bearing his likeness.

Source: Business Insider

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