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How Your Phone Can Protect Your Business - Even When You're Not There

Jul 24, 2013, 19:30 IST

ShutterstockUse your smartphone to keep an eye on things.This post is sponsored by Tyco Integrated Security.


If you're a manager or business owner, you want to stay on top of things at the office. But you can't always be there, much as you might like to be. (For one thing, you have to sleep sometime.)

How can you be sure that the premises are safe? When you're out of the office, are your customers getting good service? What about false alarms, or workers who need to be admitted after hours?

Remote security management is a new trend that helps owners and managers take control, no matter where they are. Tyco Integrated Security's Mobile Security Management turns any smartphone or tablet into a sophisticated security device, keeping you connected to your business without actually requiring you to be there.

Among other things, mobile security apps give you the ability to:


  • See if your business is opened and closed on schedule.
  • Make sure employees are following safety rules.
  • Add and remove employee access on the fly.
  • Give contractors after-hours access for deliveries and monitor them with a live video feed.
  • Handle false alarms from your phone.
  • Alert the authorities and provide them with video if there's an incident.

By freeing managers and employees from the workplace, security apps such as those from Tyco Integrated Security save business owners an estimated 11.3 employee hours per week. In a recent survey, business owners said that these apps can contribute to a 25% rise in productivity.

But the most important advantage to a mobile security app is peace of mind. You can open a second location and make sure things are going well at the first one. Before going to bed, you can double-check that your system is armed. And when you're asleep, the system will send you a text or an email if something happens that needs your attention.

For an even higher level of security, you may decide to opt for managed services, in which trained professionals monitor your video feed around the clock. Either way, by saving you time, money, and hassle, Mobile Security Management won't just help make your business more secure — it will keep you out of the office and maybe let you have a life, too.

Get more info on Tyco Integrated Security's Mobile Security Management.

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