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If The Next iPhone Really Wants To Stand Out It Needs A...Fingerprint Sensor?

Jan 16, 2013, 22:46 IST

YoukuApple isn't doing too well right now. It's stock price is falling and there is wide speculation that the company is losing its edge.


A new iPhone release later this year could certainly help rally excitement, but what can Apple do to build on its seemingly perfect smartphone?

AppleInsider is reporting that this innovation could come in the form of a fingerprint sensor beneath the iPhone's home button.

The blog says that this fingerprint sensor would be "an intuitive design that could be difficult for competing Android and Windows Phone devices to copy".

The fingerprint technology would come from one of Apple's recent acquisitions, AuthenTec.


The report continues:

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities believes that this fingerprint sensor would allow iPhone users to replace the use of usernames and passwords, allowing users to authenticate in a more efficient manner. He also expects that the fingerprint scanner will integrate with applications such as Passbook to enhance their functionality.

Kuo's track record is pretty solid, as he predicted Apple's entire Fall product line last year, but we're still taking this one with a grain of salt.

Don't Miss: What The iPhone 6 Will Need To Truly Impress Users >

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