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In campaign memoir, Hillary Clinton compared herself to Cersei Lannister from 'Game of Thrones'

Sep 12, 2017, 21:08 IST


In her new book chronicling the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton compared herself to "Games of Thrones" character Cersei Lannister, who faced persecution by religious fanatics in the popular TV show.


"Crowds at Trump rallies called for my imprisonment more times than I can count," Clinton wrote in "What Happened." "They shouted 'Guilty! Guilty!' like the religious zealots in 'Game of Thrones' chanting 'Shame! Shame!' while Cersei Lannister walked back to the Red Keep."

In the passage, noted on Twitter by a Breitbart News reporter, Clinton discussed the role that her gender played in the election, citing scholars who compared her reception among some Trump supporters to the treatment of women in medieval times.

"It's not easy for any woman in politics, but I think it's fair to say I got a whole other level of vitriol flung my way," she wrote.

Clinton called the hatred she faced from Trump supporters "flabbergasting and frightening" and wondered how she could end her service as secretary of state as "one of the most admired public servants in America" only to later be transformed into someone "evil."


"Was this all because I'm a woman? No. But I believe it was motivation for some of those chanters and some of that bile," she wrote.

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