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7 vaginal hygiene tips that'll keep your vulva feeling fresh and smelling clean, according to women's health experts

Oct 14, 2022, 22:08 IST
Opt for cotton underwear and unscented detergent.Oksana Restenko/Getty Images
  • You should wash your vagina each day with water — never use soap or a douche.
  • It's also a good idea to avoid fragrances in tampons, lube, or anything else that touches your vagina.

Keeping your vulva and vagina clean is important — it can help prevent infections, irritation, and bad odors. But your vaginal hygiene works differently from other parts of your body and products like soap may cause issues down below.

Here are a few key guidelines you should follow to keep your vagina clean and healthy.

1. Go to the gynecologist

If you're between the ages of 21 and 65, you should be going to the gynecologist every three years to get a pap smear, which tests for abnormal cells that could signal cancer or infections like STIs.

But in some cases, you may need to see your gynecologist more often. Your gynecologist may recommend more frequent visits if you have a chronic condition like cancer, human papilloma virus (HPV) or chronic yeast infections.

If you develop any new vaginal symptoms like abnormal discharge, irregular periods, or a strong odor, you should also see your doctor as soon as possible.


2. Avoid scented products

"The perfumes added to bath and sexy-time products can be very irritating to the vulva and vagina," says Dr. Katherine White, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University and author of "Your Sexual Health."

Some of the most common scented items include:

  • Tampons
  • Pads
  • Soap
  • Lubricants
  • Laundry detergent, which can leave residue on your underwear

If you have sensitive skin, these scented products can cause irritation, burning, and increased vaginal discharge, White says.

"So if you're struggling with any of these symptoms, try to use only non-scented soap, detergent, and the like," White says.

It's especially important to avoid scented lubricants, because the inner walls of your vagina are very sensitive, says Aleece Fosnight, a board-certified physician assistant who specializes in sexual medicine.


The chemicals found in scented lubricants may alter the pH level in your vagina. This is a problem because your vagina's pH keeps a delicate balance between the "good" and "bad" bacteria inside.

When the pH is thrown off, certain bacteria can overgrow and put you at greater risk of infections like bacterial vaginosis.

3. Wash daily with warm water

To wash your vulva, you don't need anything more than water. "No soap needs to be applied to the vulva — just plain, warm water to rinse any debris that might be left over from the day," Fosnight says.

If you're in the shower, you can also use a clean washcloth to gently wash the vulva. "I tend to suggest rinsing the vulva at the very end as well since shampoo, conditioner, and body wash residue can be left behind," Fosnight says.

"The vulva is rich with oil glands that emit pheromones and help balance the pH of the genitals," Fosnight says. Using anything but water could throw off this pH, which could lead to itching, excess discharge, and UTIs.


Activities that could negatively affect your vagina's pH level are:

  • Washing the inside of your vagina
  • Using a douche
  • Using soap, especially with fragrances

4. Pee and clean your vulva after sex

When you have vaginal sex, bacteria can be pushed from your vagina into your urethra— the tube that leads to your bladder. "This can increase your risk of a bladder infection or urinary tract infection," White says.

Peeing immediately or soon after sex can help flush any lingering bacteria out of your urethra.

You should also clean your vulva after sex. "Use a clean washcloth with warm water afterwards to remove any extra debris that might be left in the genitals," Fosnight says.

If you don't have a clean washcloth, it's better to just wash your hands and use them, as a dirty washcloth can harbor bacteria.


5. Keep the area dry

Keeping the area around your vulva dry is important for your vaginal hygiene — this means changing out of damp clothing as soon as possible.

Wearing sweaty exercise gear or a wet bathing suit for too long increases the moisture in and around your vulva.

"This increased dampness can lead to skin irritation, even blisters, as well as increased discharge," White says.

The moist environment can also put you at greater risk of developing a yeast infection.

6. Wear cotton underwear

Cotton is one of the best materials for underwear because it allows air to pass around the vulva and is less likely to hold moisture than fabrics like nylon, silk, or polyester.


Fabrics that trap moisture and block airflow can put you at greater risk for yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Non-cotton underwear can also lead to more everyday problems. "Artificial fabrics—or wearing daily pantiliners—block the vagina, which for some people causes increased discharge and sometimes a stronger odor," White says.

7. Wear loose clothes or no underwear to bed

Nighttime is a perfect opportunity to give your vulva a break from tight or uncomfortable clothing.

"Tight clothing can limit blood flow to the genitals as well as compress the nerves, causing pain or numbness to occur," Fosnight says.

Tight clothing also creates more friction in the area around your vagina, "and the increased rubbing over the genitals can cause thinning of the skin and irritation/inflammation," Fosnight says.


For this reason, it's best to avoid wearing underwear to bed. If you do want to wear underwear, choose a cotton pair that has a looser fit, such as boyshorts.

Insider's takeaway

Using proper vaginal hygiene habits like washing your vulva daily and avoiding scented products can help keep your vagina healthy and irritation-free.

"Paying attention to the bath products you use, how you clean your clothes, and how you dress can help alleviate any symptoms you may be having," White says.

"If you do have a concern with odor, irritation, or increased discharge, seek a provider that has expertise in vulvovaginal conditions," Fosnight says.

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